Thursday 21 June 2018

IMSU: Activities Lined-Up For Faculty Of Education Student’s Week Celebration (No.3 Will Shock You)

Second semester of every session in Imo state university is usually filled with activities ranging from academic to non-academic to religious to cultural and sporting. One of such Programs is the Faculty week which most students look up to. Some students call it the final year week, while others tag it faculty week.

According to the Faculty President, Education Students Association of Nigeria (ESAN), Mr. Joseph Collins (SUCCESS) who spoke to us recently, ESAN week as it’s fondly called by students is set out to create rooms and opportunities for the them to showcase their skills and creativity during the colour carnival, their sportsmanship in sports and their sense of traditional culture during the Cultural day.

Monday to Friday has been given as lecture free days for all students in the faculty because of the activities involved in the week. Starting from the first day down to the last day, real fun activities are lined up, He explained.

The week slated to commence Mon. 25th – Fri. 29th June will be exceptional and fun-filled. The venue/ take off point for all activities remain the Faculty Large Hall. Below is the schedule of activities.

Monday 25th
Visit to orphanage – 9AM
Corporate Day/ Medical Checkup – 11AM

Tuesday 26th
Jeans Carnival (White & blue)/ Google Digital Training – 10AM

Wednesday 27th
ESAN Awareness Day / Old School Day – 11AM

Thursday 28
Cultural DAY – 10AM

Friday 29
Sports / jersey day – 9AM

