Wednesday 2 November 2016

Couple caught having sex during wedding

 Sex during wedding? Why not?
Wedding photos are traditionally predictable and sometimes rather boring to watch — with the bride and groom looking dreamily into each other’s eyes and happy faces surrounding them.

But Toni, 26, and Gareth Ferguson, 29, decided to think out of box and came with an idea of taking sexual-themed wedding photo.

It’s one way to celebrate! Gareth Ferguson, 29, and bride Toni, 26,
So, the newlyweds were simulating sex acts while their photographer was capturing saucy moments in one of the parks of Whitehaven, Cumbria, England.

Gareth said: “The photo was both of our ideas. We wanted to do something a bit different. Nobody knew about it except the photographer.
He found it hilarious when we told him what we wanted before the big day – he loved it.We got all our ‘normal’ photos out the way and then when everyone else was being seated snuck off for this one.
We were in absolute hysterics. I’m glad you couldn’t see her face and I had my back to my camera because we could not stop laughing. Toni spent ages just staring at the floor giggling like a schoolgirl.

Gareth and Toni, pictured in a more traditional pose

I don’t think she would have made it through any of the others I wanted to do. That was by far the tamest one.”

However, not everyone liked the idea and when the couple shared their photoshoot on social media it immeditely backfired.

The image has been removed from Facebook as someone reported it, some critics branded it as porn and even sent nasty comments to the pair.

The couple were in fits of giggles while staging their ‘performance

Nevertheless, family members and friends found the photos hilarious and supported the daredevil spouses.

Explaining herself Toni said: “Gareth keep saying it is the most controversial thing I will ever post on Facebook. You wouldn’t believe all the comments and messages I’ve had.

We thought we might have an issue with his stepdad but he loved it and shared it with all his friends. We never expected strangers to get involved.

People have told us it’s disgusting, that we’ve lost the plot or have missed what a wedding is supposed to be about. Some have even called it porn. You’d think they’d never seen a willy before.

We’re a couple who like to have fun and so that’s what our wedding was about. And I enjoyed that photo more than any of the others because we could be ourselves and have a laugh.

All the other photos were a bit boring and really awkward. They look so beautiful but it is weird having to stand in a line with all these people and pose and smile.

People have told us it’s disgusting, that we’ve lost the plot or have missed what a wedding is supposed to be about

Now we’ve got something for the wedding album that’ll be making us laugh for the rest of our lives and something we’ll definitely never forget.

Some stranger sent me a message after seeing the photo calling into question my mothering but if my kids see that photo when they’re older and DON’T laugh then I’ve brought them up wrong.”


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