Monday 3 December 2018

A Graduate Makes His Case Between The IMSU Girl And Boyfriend Incident

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Yea you all heard the stories of an imsu girl who wants to quit her relationhip and end up having a fight with her bf when the said guy came to retrive his gift item he bought for the girl and she end up stabbing him, then, was later heard she drank poison and gave up.... Like seriously! Thats all??

Well I don't know this girl but I am shocked with the amount of her friends and people who know nothing spoiling her name...

Looking through this girl's wall I see she is a regular person like you and me with life goals just like us ..

So I just wonder why then would she take her own life, there always has to be the possibility of foul play or something they are hiding from us. .. but none of you even considered that just jumping straight into conclusion..

Like how can a girl like that overpower her boyfriend to fully stabbing him unconscious.. Did you think that?

And why would she have a bottle of poison Laying around in her room.... Did you think that??
How did she take a whole bottle of bitter poison without diluting it in anything
It also takes an average of one hour even taking poisons such as sniper in large quantities to kill you (Google it) ohh you dont know right?

How long does it take to die from bleeding out from a stab wond?
It takes a total of 1-3 minutes if a vital organ was hit if not it may take 10+ minutes but to be stabbed unconscious like the boy in this story I think a vital organ was hit... So how did he survive, while someone poisoned(which takes hours) died. Did you ponder about that?

And the story is saying she stabbed him while he was bleeding to death she drank a full bottle of poison ...

Either I'm not getting the story right or there is something not adding up about the time of death ..

I have no reason to fight for the dead all I ask is think before dragging a persons name through the dirt without knowing real facts.

I'll advise those close to her to carry out proper investigation with the authorities...
But in this country people hardly care what happens after the fact.

No hard feelings please and no insult, i just took time to analise and share my thoughts.... Because i have heard of coiensidental effects or fate of been in a wrong place at the wrong time, that doesnt make one a culprit.