Friday 31 March 2017

FUTO: You Can Now Communicate with the Vice Chancellor via Twitter handler

To FUTO Students; Recall this which was cut out from the "State of the SUG Address" Released in March 7th, 2017 by the SUG President – Comr. Akanno Nnameka......

"2). Once again, we apologise for notable communication gap and, will do all it takes to get better and bridge all gaps; We shall embark on weekly visits or more often, as urgency demands, to Hostels and off-campus areas; Eziobodo, Umuchima, Ihiagwa, Obinze , to interact with Nigerian students and make announcements.
- Regular sms to Faculty Presidents/Pro, Dept. Pres./pro,SRC's, Hall Govs,Offcampus Ambassadors, Lodge Pres., Course Reps.,etc"....

The Vice Chancellor of FUTO, Prof. F.C Eze has succeeded in creating a medium of communication b/w him and his students.

He has created a Tweeter account from which every FUTO Student is entitled to communicate through....

The Twitter handler is "@VC_FUTO'