Monday 24 April 2017




A team of  FUTO INFOSC🔍PE JOURNALISTS​ last week had a extensive discussion/interview with the FUTO Students' Union Government Public Relations Officer (Comr. Uzoho Chuka CFSSJ.) regarding the situation of things relating the supposedly peaceful turned violent protest by FUTO Students' on 17th February 2017, due to increment in ICT service charge and other age long, under the table, unauthorized by Senate policies, supposedly unknown to the University management.

*The Infosc🔍pe*: Sir, what steps have the SUG taken to ensure the implementation/adjustments of most of the aforementioned reasons that led to the rampage on   Friday 17th of February 2017 ( Black Friday)  ?

*Comr. Uzoho*:
Thank you for that question... I appreciate your courage.

The Aluta Excellence 2016/2017 SUG administration, ably led by our  courageous No. 1 , Comr. Akano Nnaemeka P.,  GCSS, have successfully tackled every other issue that was x-rayed during the protest,  such as : No more course registration,  No more compulsory purchase of text books, No more compulsory purchase of Engine Drawing equipments from school, etc.. except for the review of service charges of various items contained in school fees invoice, which sums up our consolidated fees ( school fees). Decisive dialogue is on going and most likely, positive changes might take effect by next session.  Needless to point out where, we want results to speak for itself.

*The Infosc🔍pe*:  A Memo was passed on 19th of April saying that every FUTO Student is expected to pay the sum of ₦12,500 for damages during the Protest. Students' are lamenting on Social Media that the fee be reduced. What’s your say on this?

*Comr. Uzoho*:

Firstly, the important thing is to know and understand the rights we have as students' and  SUG officials, and the powers within our jurisdiction and how to use it effectively.

We may not have come online/social media to talk about our numerous achievements so far, because we want the results to speak for itself.

E. G:
Just like the case of rehabilitation of Eziobodo  FUTO ROAD and Ihiagwa Fed. Poly Nekede road. I can assure you authoritatively, that the SUG played a very crucial role towards the reality of rehabilitation of these two key roads. If you doubt,  please make your research. But you see, no one have commended us for that and we are still doing more.

You see,  due to the incessant complaints of SUG via help of our dear own Prof. Ogoma of Mechanical Engineering  Department who appealed , solicited and followed up, through the approval of our amiable Vice Chancellor  Prof.  FC Eze to NDDC,  the Eziobodo FUTO road is today, a successful project.

The Ihiagwa Poly Nekede road, recall that last year,  SUG president  emeritus Comr.  Ezenwa Obinna,  then Chairman Imo State Council of SUG Presidents,  led a protest to the state government house,  about the poor state of that road.
After which,  the state govt. kicked off work,  but,  stopped half way because of rainy season.
Upon assuming office in October 17th 2016, our presentable President Comr.  Akano Nnaemeka, the current Secretary Imo State Council of SUG Presidents, continued in the right footsteps of his predecessor.
Via the same council,  through the CGC commissioner Hon. Obuli-mba an indegene of Owerri west L. G. A, through the commissioner of works Hon. Mrs. Udoji ( Bulldozer) to H E,  Gov.  Okorocha, they disturbed the state govt. relentlessly and threatened to stage another protest if no work is started and completed on the road before rain season kicks off.  Today, all their wonderful efforts and sacrifices behind the scenes, have yielded us fortune.

Fact is,  without our students' , the SUG can't function. Hence, the actions of our students determine how far we could get good results during our negotiations.
To some of our students' and public, they feel the SUG is not working . We don't believe in making noise. Doing "GRAGRA" would not yield any result, and therefore we have to be very diplomatic.

About the surcharge :

Yes, FUTOITES may have been pushed to the walls, and treated very badly too, since time immemorial. Which resulted to the outrage of anger, unjustifiable damage  and looting of school and Union properties during the demonstration.  Consequently, a surcharge of N12,500  and 3 wasted months of holiday as penalty.

NB: The SUG have a right to tell the school management that, our students' won't be able to pay the surcharge because of harsh economic situation in Nigeria.

But then it's a catch 22 situation here.  If the SUG exercises this prerogative  and dares the school authorities that, unless there is a reduction in the surcharge, our students' would not pay!
We could stand a chance of being kept at home for another 3 months.

However,  the most painful aspect would be,  as we embark upon negotiations by Monday 24th April, 2017 before you know it, over 1000+ students' would go to make same payment, thereby undermining our efforts  as was the case during negotiations about proposed increment in service charge of ICT fee and inclusion PMF levy of N5,000 for 400 & 500 level students ( Especially, the unconcerned rich kids amongst us). Then, our fight becomes fruitless and we the SUG officials would become ridiculed. Possibly, used as scape goats.

Nevertheless, as a Union of courageous executives,  for the sake of the poorest of poor amongst us, and majority of our students' who can't afford to pay easily, as against the rich kids, we shall appeal to the University Senate for review and possible reduction of the surcharge.

*The Infosc🔍pe*: As FUTO SUG Public Relations Officer, Which strategy do you advice the students to work with in getting the management reduce the stipulated damage fee?

*Comr. Uzoho*:

“The best players are the ones off the football pitch”…… Fact is, the school authorities may decide to keep us at home for as long as they find worthy. Staff salaries we still get paid. Therefore,  before we embark upon any further action, we should think twice and wisely too, make proper consultations and consolidation, before confrontation.

The first step is, FUTOITES have to accept and digest the truth that our SUG officials are NEVER the cause of  problems that students' face on campus, instead a means to our solution.

Without the SUG's mediation,  if students' go on to employ a violent strategy, nothing will work out in FUTO.
We might stay at home for another 6 months after which, serious minded students would be begging to return to campus under any condition.


Therefore,  instead of writing all these long essays, open letters( who all these open letters & essays help... ???)  and abusing the school management on social media.( But, wait o, is it really fair to judge the fate of University administration that is still yet to balance well in office ? They are barely 1year in office. So, remain positive, give support and allow them to exercise their wonderful agenda. It's a 5year tenure and not forever. Indeed, time will surely tell, after 5years, whether they have done wrong or right.)

Step 2: Why don't we start praising the school authorities for their good deeds and achievement so far?? Our aim is to get a positive result.

The VC, members of Senate and the management team are all human beings, who not only have conscience but also ego, just like you and me.
Maybe by the time Nigeria  Student's stopped abusing them, and probably accept we were wrong and start to shower praises on them. Then their hearts may soften,  and they may have a rethink and compassion upon us.

Don't forget that, they are our parents and also on Facebook too. They read all these insulting write ups and libellous statements here and there. Their good image too is being tarnished by falsehood Nigerian Students' post online.

*The Infosc🔍pe*: Haha! We'd take as a rhetorical question.

But Sir, are you actually saying that the aggrieved FUTO Students should start praising the school management or what?

*Comr. Uzoho*:  Look, for some people,  my answer might seem to be nonsense.  But, know that, there is sense in every nonsense.

If offline , we flatter and praise the school management, where as online they see something totally different. They come on Facebook just to see all the insults in the world, what do you think would be their reaction?

When we start to trend posts that applaud the achievements of School management so far, believe me it'd work. Things would change; Even, we could go further to give reps to outstanding vision of our Vice Chancellor, which are yet to be achieved, such as  rehabilitation of our foundry plant, transforming our Otammiri lake to develop an Independent  Power Plant for steady power supply... Etc.. Believe you me, mindsets would change.

INFOSCOPE: What is the SUG doing about the reinstatement of our expelled students'?

Comr.  Uzoho:
The SUG have been pleading for the reinstatement of our dear students.
Although, the disposition of these our brothers are not helping matters at all.
When you go on social media they keep posting articles with propagandas , such questions their remorse.
" We can't solve a problem by using the same kind of thinking used when we created it" - Comr.  Akano Nnaemeka.

 E.G If a child insults his father and suddenly comes to genuinely beg for forgiveness and flatter him, what do you think would be his father's reaction?

“A kara'd man can still be kara'd" Even though they may know that they are being kara'd, but, the effect of the flattery would still make arouse pity.

When they do this, apologize and the SUG goes to plead on their behalf and advocate for our rights and privileges, it gives us a better advantage. We can't do it alone. When you convince someone, the person would convince another person. Even,  people around will tell the VC and members of Senate that their wards now have a sober and remorseful attitude toward the unfortunate violent demonstration.
Let us act fast and achieve something positive. “TEMPUS FUGIT NON REGAMUS” .

INFOSCOPE: We heard that the SUG President is a member of Senate and made no objection when the expulsion of our his students?

Comr.  Uzoho:
Let me state clearly that no student of FUTO is a member of the University Senate, including our amiable SUG President. He is not in support of the expulsion of our students neither did he contribute in any way to the decision of University Senate. No member of SUG is in support either and we are all pleading for their reinstatement.
In the same vein,  the entire SUG officials are not in support of the violence and looting that ensued on the day of protest 17th February 2017.
We are not in support of libellous statements of FUTO Students' on radio, newspapers and social media against the Vice Chancellor, school management and SUG officials . Such attitude is so unruly hence, we warn our students to STOP !!!

INFOSCOPE: What efforts have Mr. President and other SUG officials made to bring solution to the crisis situation ?

Comr.  Uzoho:
You know,  there's this wrong notion of misinformed people out there - they say we are not United.
But, I am here to tell you straight up that the whole  11 SUG executives of Aluta Excellence administration are very much United. We are one happy family in Aluta Excellence. Indeed, we are  PRESENTABLE!!!

I make bold to tell you that, from day 1, not minding the heavy load of criticisms on Social media and beyond, our courageous, dogged, diplomatic,  calculated, humble and kindhearted SUG President,
H E Comr. Akano Nnaemeka P., GCSS myself and the entire members of ALUTA EXCELLENCE administration, we have dedicated in-toto, our thoughts, time, talent and treasure, selflessly, to the service of Nigerian students'. We have done and we keep doing what is right, to the best of our human abilities.

In spite of so many false  accusations, libel,  slander against the integrity of Aluta Excellence Executive, yet, we have maintained focus on doing the right thing at all times to all manner of persons, without fear or favor. A clear conscience fears no accusations... And we know our conscience is very clear.

*The Infosc🔍pe*: Thanks for your time Sir.

*Comr. Uzoho*: You're welcome...
This interview was granted under the authority of the  executive Council on behalf of entire SUG and Aluta Excellence  Administration.*INFOSC🔍PE - FUTO💫*


A team of  FUTO INFOSC🔍PE JOURNALISTS​ last week had a extensive discussion/interview with the FUTO Students' Union Government Public Relations Officer (Comr. Uzoho Chuka CFSSJ.) regarding the situation of things relating the supposedly peaceful turned violent protest by FUTO Students' on 17th February 2017, due to increment in ICT service charge and other age long, under the table, unauthorized by Senate policies, supposedly unknown to the University management.

*The Infosc🔍pe*: Sir, what steps have the SUG taken to ensure the implementation/adjustments of most of the aforementioned reasons that led to the rampage on   Friday 17th of February 2017 ( Black Friday)  ?

*Comr. Uzoho*:
Thank you for that question... I appreciate your courage.

The Aluta Excellence 2016/2017 SUG administration, ably led by our  courageous No. 1 , Comr. Akano Nnaemeka P.,  GCSS, have successfully tackled every other issue that was x-rayed during the protest,  such as : No more course registration,  No more compulsory purchase of text books, No more compulsory purchase of Engine Drawing equipments from school, etc.. except for the review of service charges of various items contained in school fees invoice, which sums up our consolidated fees ( school fees). Decisive dialogue is on going and most likely, positive changes might take effect by next session.  Needless to point out where, we want results to speak for itself.

*The Infosc🔍pe*:  A Memo was passed on 19th of April saying that every FUTO Student is expected to pay the sum of ₦12,500 for damages during the Protest. Students' are lamenting on Social Media that the fee be reduced. What’s your say on this?

*Comr. Uzoho*:

Firstly, the important thing is to know and understand the rights we have as students' and  SUG officials, and the powers within our jurisdiction and how to use it effectively.

We may not have come online/social media to talk about our numerous achievements so far, because we want the results to speak for itself.

E. G:
Just like the case of rehabilitation of Eziobodo  FUTO ROAD and Ihiagwa Fed. Poly Nekede road. I can assure you authoritatively, that the SUG played a very crucial role towards the reality of rehabilitation of these two key roads. If you doubt,  please make your research. But you see, no one have commended us for that and we are still doing more.

You see,  due to the incessant complaints of SUG via help of our dear own Prof. Ogoma of Mechanical Engineering  Department who appealed , solicited and followed up, through the approval of our amiable Vice Chancellor  Prof.  FC Eze to NDDC,  the Eziobodo FUTO road is today, a successful project.

The Ihiagwa Poly Nekede road, recall that last year,  SUG president  emeritus Comr.  Ezenwa Obinna,  then Chairman Imo State Council of SUG Presidents,  led a protest to the state government house,  about the poor state of that road.
After which,  the state govt. kicked off work,  but,  stopped half way because of rainy season.
Upon assuming office in October 17th 2016, our presentable President Comr.  Akano Nnaemeka, the current Secretary Imo State Council of SUG Presidents, continued in the right footsteps of his predecessor.
Via the same council,  through the CGC commissioner Hon. Obuli-mba an indegene of Owerri west L. G. A, through the commissioner of works Hon. Mrs. Udoji ( Bulldozer) to H E,  Gov.  Okorocha, they disturbed the state govt. relentlessly and threatened to stage another protest if no work is started and completed on the road before rain season kicks off.  Today, all their wonderful efforts and sacrifices behind the scenes, have yielded us fortune.

Fact is,  without our students' , the SUG can't function. Hence, the actions of our students determine how far we could get good results during our negotiations.
To some of our students' and public, they feel the SUG is not working . We don't believe in making noise. Doing "GRAGRA" would not yield any result, and therefore we have to be very diplomatic.

About the surcharge :

Yes, FUTOITES may have been pushed to the walls, and treated very badly too, since time immemorial. Which resulted to the outrage of anger, unjustifiable damage  and looting of school and Union properties during the demonstration.  Consequently, a surcharge of N12,500  and 3 wasted months of holiday as penalty.

NB: The SUG have a right to tell the school management that, our students' won't be able to pay the surcharge because of harsh economic situation in Nigeria.

But then it's a catch 22 situation here.  If the SUG exercises this prerogative  and dares the school authorities that, unless there is a reduction in the surcharge, our students' would not pay!
We could stand a chance of being kept at home for another 3 months.

However,  the most painful aspect would be,  as we embark upon negotiations by Monday 24th April, 2017 before you know it, over 1000+ students' would go to make same payment, thereby undermining our efforts  as was the case during negotiations about proposed increment in service charge of ICT fee and inclusion PMF levy of N5,000 for 400 & 500 level students ( Especially, the unconcerned rich kids amongst us). Then, our fight becomes fruitless and we the SUG officials would become ridiculed. Possibly, used as scape goats.

Nevertheless, as a Union of courageous executives,  for the sake of the poorest of poor amongst us, and majority of our students' who can't afford to pay easily, as against the rich kids, we shall appeal to the University Senate for review and possible reduction of the surcharge.

*The Infosc🔍pe*: As FUTO SUG Public Relations Officer, Which strategy do you advice the students to work with in getting the management reduce the stipulated damage fee?

*Comr. Uzoho*:

“The best players are the ones off the football pitch”…… Fact is, the school authorities may decide to keep us at home for as long as they find worthy. Staff salaries we still get paid. Therefore,  before we embark upon any further action, we should think twice and wisely too, make proper consultations and consolidation, before confrontation.

The first step is, FUTOITES have to accept and digest the truth that our SUG officials are NEVER the cause of  problems that students' face on campus, instead a means to our solution.

Without the SUG's mediation,  if students' go on to employ a violent strategy, nothing will work out in FUTO.
We might stay at home for another 6 months after which, serious minded students would be begging to return to campus under any condition.


Therefore,  instead of writing all these long essays, open letters( who all these open letters & essays help... ???)  and abusing the school management on social media.( But, wait o, is it really fair to judge the fate of University administration that is still yet to balance well in office ? They are barely 1year in office. So, remain positive, give support and allow them to exercise their wonderful agenda. It's a 5year tenure and not forever. Indeed, time will surely tell, after 5years, whether they have done wrong or right.)

Step 2: Why don't we start praising the school authorities for their good deeds and achievement so far?? Our aim is to get a positive result.

The VC, members of Senate and the management team are all human beings, who not only have conscience but also ego, just like you and me.
Maybe by the time Nigeria  Student's stopped abusing them, and probably accept we were wrong and start to shower praises on them. Then their hearts may soften,  and they may have a rethink and compassion upon us.

Don't forget that, they are our parents and also on Facebook too. They read all these insulting write ups and libellous statements here and there. Their good image too is being tarnished by falsehood Nigerian Students' post online.

*The Infosc🔍pe*: Haha! We'd take as a rhetorical question.

But Sir, are you actually saying that the aggrieved FUTO Students should start praising the school management or what?

*Comr. Uzoho*:  Look, for some people,  my answer might seem to be nonsense.  But, know that, there is sense in every nonsense.

If offline , we flatter and praise the school management, where as online they see something totally different. They come on Facebook just to see all the insults in the world, what do you think would be their reaction?

When we start to trend posts that applaud the achievements of School management so far, believe me it'd work. Things would change; Even, we could go further to give reps to outstanding vision of our Vice Chancellor, which are yet to be achieved, such as  rehabilitation of our foundry plant, transforming our Otammiri lake to develop an Independent  Power Plant for steady power supply... Etc.. Believe you me, mindsets would change.

INFOSCOPE: What is the SUG doing about the reinstatement of our expelled students'?

Comr.  Uzoho:
The SUG have been pleading for the reinstatement of our dear students.
Although, the disposition of these our brothers are not helping matters at all.
When you go on social media they keep posting articles with propagandas , such questions their remorse.
" We can't solve a problem by using the same kind of thinking used when we created it" - Comr.  Akano Nnaemeka.

 E.G If a child insults his father and suddenly comes to genuinely beg for forgiveness and flatter him, what do you think would be his father's reaction?

“A kara'd man can still be kara'd" Even though they may know that they are being kara'd, but, the effect of the flattery would still make arouse pity.

When they do this, apologize and the SUG goes to plead on their behalf and advocate for our rights and privileges, it gives us a better advantage. We can't do it alone. When you convince someone, the person would convince another person. Even,  people around will tell the VC and members of Senate that their wards now have a sober and remorseful attitude toward the unfortunate violent demonstration.
Let us act fast and achieve something positive. “TEMPUS FUGIT NON REGAMUS” .

INFOSCOPE: We heard that the SUG President is a member of Senate and made no objection when the expulsion of our his students?

Comr.  Uzoho:
Let me state clearly that no student of FUTO is a member of the University Senate, including our amiable SUG President. He is not in support of the expulsion of our students neither did he contribute in any way to the decision of University Senate. No member of SUG is in support either and we are all pleading for their reinstatement.
In the same vein,  the entire SUG officials are not in support of the violence and looting that ensued on the day of protest 17th February 2017.
We are not in support of libellous statements of FUTO Students' on radio, newspapers and social media against the Vice Chancellor, school management and SUG officials . Such attitude is so unruly hence, we warn our students to STOP !!!

INFOSCOPE: What efforts have Mr. President and other SUG officials made to bring solution to the crisis situation ?

Comr.  Uzoho:
You know,  there's this wrong notion of misinformed people out there - they say we are not United.
But, I am here to tell you straight up that the whole  11 SUG executives of Aluta Excellence administration are very much United. We are one happy family in Aluta Excellence. Indeed, we are  PRESENTABLE!!!

I make bold to tell you that, from day 1, not minding the heavy load of criticisms on Social media and beyond, our courageous, dogged, diplomatic,  calculated, humble and kindhearted SUG President,
H E Comr. Akano Nnaemeka P., GCSS myself and the entire members of ALUTA EXCELLENCE administration, we have dedicated in-toto, our thoughts, time, talent and treasure, selflessly, to the service of Nigerian students'. We have done and we keep doing what is right, to the best of our human abilities.

In spite of so many false  accusations, libel,  slander against the integrity of Aluta Excellence Executive, yet, we have maintained focus on doing the right thing at all times to all manner of persons, without fear or favor. A clear conscience fears no accusations... And we know our conscience is very clear.

*The Infosc🔍pe*: Thanks for your time Sir.

*Comr. Uzoho*: You're welcome...

This interview was granted under the authority of the  executive Council on behalf of entire SUG and Aluta Excellence  Administration.